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 Louise Adams


What would you see is your prime area of expertise?
I really enjoy dealing with people. I am definitely a people person and I love dealing with our staff and clients when they have any problems or if they need help arranging accommodation, travel or even if they just want to have a catch up on a bit of gossip!!

Also I really enjoy organising events such as the annual PeopleSoft Connect Conference and Congruent company meetings. When we decided to exhibit at the PeopleSoft Connect Conference last year it was a bit of a rush as we had a month and a half to organise everything, down to the design of the exhibition stand, furniture for the stand, plasma screens, marketing material, hotels and travel but it all worked out very well. As it turned out, we were the busiest stand at the conference. I get a real thrill when I see everything I have arranged come together and everyone enjoying themselves.

What originally drew you to working in the consulting or the computing industry?
I can't actually say anything specific drew me to the consulting industry, only that my first real full time job was working for a IT consultancy and I worked there for 3 years, so when the job was available at Congruent I thought it would be great to go and work for another IT consultancy as I am used to the environment in which they work in. I enjoy working in the industry because there is a really varied mix of people to work with, and there’s always something to learn from the IT geeks.

Why did you join Congruent?
When I saw the job advertisement at Congruent I had a read up on their website to get an idea of how the company works. From the website I could see that the company seemed to be very focused and by looking at the pictures of previous parties, it seemed a fun company to work for. When I came for the interview it was a very relaxed atmosphere and when talking through my job role and the opportunities there are for me to learn and excel myself I thought “Hey, this is the company for me”. Since working with Congruent I have more of an idea of how the consulting industry works and now that my knowledge of PeopleSoft is growing I hope to get more involved in the resourcing and sales side of the company.

How is working for Congruent different to working for previous employers?
Compared to my previous company, Congruent has a much more relaxed working environment which is superb. I think this is because Congruent has a flat management structure which works really well, as my experience has been that having too many managers can create a bad atmosphere and not be supportive of a good morale within the workforce. I also think Congruent is a very open company. We all talk about situations openly if they arise and we are all asked our opinion on situations which really make everyone feel involved. This stops gossip as everyone knows what’s going on and fosters a feeling of security and involvement in company decisions.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
In five years time I would like to be designing department store display windows for one of the large chains or to be a personal shopper.

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