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 Caroline Cavell


What do you consider to be your main area of expertise?
I find this question difficult to answer as I'm not very good at saying that I am brilliant at working out what the customer really needs as opposed to railroading them into using something that will have no benefit to them. I try to understand the real Business requirements from a variety of users and then turn the requirements for functional specifications to create realistic workable solutions for the identified gaps. I always look at the impact both from a system perspective and the user. Users often get forgotten about when attempting to find technical system solutions, I aim to keep them involved and bridge the gap between developers and users who often speak in a different language!

What is the most interesting customisation that you have done or seen in PeopleSoft?
Prior to the release of PeopleSoft Tools Version 8, I was involved in designing and implementing Manager self Service for Performance Review. With the current tool set available this is now not so challenging, however at the time we had to develop it, the enhanced tools were not available to deploy this type of functionality over the web to a global customer. The customisation included re-working the Employee Review and career planning pages to look and feel like an Internet application, removing scroll bars, new back and forward buttons etc. Additionally there was a link built between the Application and Lotus Notes Forms. This was to allow employees to complete Forms on line which populated the Career Planning pages for Managers to then review and rate employees performance. This data was then utilised by a management team for global succession planning and ranking of employees suitable for future promotion.

What project have you most enjoyed working on and why?
The projects which I enjoyed working on most of all are those where I am working in a team rather than on my own. The best teams are a combination of customer and consultants both having equal responsibility for the success of the project and where you can truly say that you are one team. It doesn't matter if the work is challenging as long as everyone is moving in the same direction. I also find that a little 'banter' is healthy.

What would you most like added to the PeopleSoft product?
The HRMS functionality could do with enhancing letter production throughout the product to include not only the issue of letters but the ability to store a history of letters issued. This list of letters could contain a hyperlink to the actual letter issued which would save so much time and effort for HR Users. I always feel really embarrassed when a customer asks about what vanilla functionality do you have to produce standard HR Letters for example contracts or Absence.

What originally drew you to consulting or the computing field?
In my previous career as HR Manager, I was involved in the implementation of an integrated HR and payroll solution and I really understood the 'anguish' that any HR Professionals have around systems. I attended many user sessions and realised that HR often don't make use of HR systems and commonly use them just to store data, rather than use the data to make strategic business decisions. Prior to consulting, I didn't find that software companies were particularly helpful in advising on how to get the best out of the system, for example implementing workflow can save loads of valuable time and hence money if carefully thought out. And so my role evolved and my enthusiasm to get the most out of systems made me realise that that my skills could be used in the consulting field.

What advice would you give to a new client starting with PeopleSoft?
When considering implementing PeopleSoft I would recommend that the customer takes time out of the business and include not only strategic HR People but also invite end users, such as call centre staff, Managers who are likely to be utilising Self Service Functionality, etc. Before commencing the Project this group of people should have sessions to decide what they really want and the impact of their requirements on the Business, thus obtaining everyone's buy-in at the beginning of the Project. I often find that the people who are going to get the most out of the product are the end Users who know what the current issues are and therefore can add a touch of reality to some of the decisions that need to be made.

Why did you join Congruent?
Having worked for large organisations for many years I decided that a change to a smaller consultancy group would help me to feel more part of the company rather than just a number. I enjoy the personal touch that a small company has to offer. During my employment as a consultant with PeopleSoft I worked with many of the Congruent consultants and always found them to be not only excellent consultants but also their personalities always enhanced team working. Additionally I also noticed that the Congruent consultants were very aware of company issues and had direct involvement in company decisions. Not just a number!

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Keeping up to speed with releases and enhancements to the product is challenging enough. You never know I may even become a techie! (Although I don't think it's possible - eer where is the on button for my laptop?)


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