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 Duncan Davies


What do you consider to be your main area of expertise?
My main areas are system architecture, integrating PeopleSoft with third party applications, e.g. Excel, Word and automating the manner in which PeopleSoft interacts with its environment.  I was involved in upgrading Congruent’s SQRXLS product to PeopleSoft version 8, and also porting it from SQR to App Engine.  I also created a custom version of SQRXLS to meet the needs of the E&Y Salary Review Extract, where - in one process - data was taken from PeopleSoft and presented as a multi-sheet Excel workbook complete with in cell validation drop-downs, multiple complex formulae, column protection and frozen panes.  In addition to all this it had to be colourful, yet still easy on the eye which was probably the hardest part :-)

What is the most interesting customisation that you have done or seen in PeopleSoft?
The Salary Review application that Congruent has done for EY was a really impressive customisation, and the extract mentioned above was only a small part of it.  Even this section however took several weeks to perfect and called on many technologies, including Windows Scripting Host, Visual Basic, SQR and Excel Add-ins.  Had Congruent’s App Engine to Excel product been available for use at the time I would have liked to use that instead, or at least tried it to see if I could get better performance than the SQR version.  Each of us worked on our own discrete sections of the Salary Review application, but there was plenty of interaction and advice (as well as no small amount of banter) between us.

What project have you most enjoyed working on and why?
EY has been the best project so far.  The chance to work on the Salary Review application was a deciding factor as it is the most technically complex suite of programs that I have worked on.  Also, the style of work was very much along the lines of being given a piece of work, and being trusted to deliver with minimal interruptions.  This created a much more harmonious environment to develop in.

What would you most like added to the PeopleSoft product?
I’m sure many developers would appreciate the addition of Syntax colour highlighting in Application Designer.  It would be a quick and simple improvement to make, but would drastically improve the ease and speed of readability of large sections of PeopleCode.

What is the most frustrating thing about the PeopleSoft product?
When PeopleSoft behaves inconsistently it can often be frustrating to work with.  Also, App Designer frequently crashes/disappears without warning.  There are many plus points to counter-balance this however, I am really starting to appreciate the new object-orientated PeopleCode, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the version of the software which PeopleSoft have promised to deliver which runs on Linux.

What originally drew you to consulting or the computing field?
The variety of consulting appealed.  I get to meet new people and see different places instead of having the same commute, sitting at the same desk and eating at the same canteen for the rest of my working life.  I have also found that once you’ve been doing a job for a while the amount you learn starts to slow and tasks become routine.  With consulting you typically take on shorter-term projects and thus the learning curve stays steep.

What advice would you give to a new client starting with PeopleSoft?
Ensure the scope has been thoroughly discussed, agreed upon by all impacted departments and is clearly defined.  Ensure that the Project Manager/Sponsor has the authority to reduce any movement in the scope.

Why did you join Congruent?
Congruent gave me the chance to work in a situation where I didn't have to move away from technical work and into management for career progression.  My natural aptitude (and what I enjoy) is writing code and playing with computers so I’m much happier doing that than sitting in management meetings or worrying about office-politics.  Congruent contains many similar minded people and the lack of back-stabbing or political ‘manoeuvring’ stands it apart from some of the other places I have worked.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Healthy, happy and still in work :-)


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