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 Christine Hallet


What would you see is your prime area of expertise?
I think my prime area of expertise is coordination work. Being responsible for the operational management of the French practice plus resourcing for the UK practice, I am in constant coordination with clients, partners, consultants and the rest of the administration team for both practices. Even though the two companies are separate, the main administrative tasks are done through our UK practice and therefore coordination work is required to make sure that business requirements are met for each practice. I enjoy being able to use my language skills to make everything run smoothly.

What originally drew you to working in the consulting or the computing industry?
After having worked in the travel industry for a number of years, I felt that working in the computing industry would be a change in the right direction. The IT industry is growing and will continue to provide challenging opportunities in the future, and I think I managed to get out of the travel industry at just the right time!

Why did you join Congruent?
I joined Congruent because they offered the opportunity to develop my professional career path in the way I wanted. Joining Congruent meant that I could use my language skills on a professional level in various areas including sales, marketing, administration and personnel management. The Directors' ambition to develop their unique business in other European countries was also a key factor in my decision to join the company.

How is working for Congruent different to working for previous employers?
The main difference I can observe from previous employers is the flexibility offered by Congruent and the flat structure of the management. The company is run in a very open way, and being part of the administration team means that I can be involved in the daily management, business development and the definition of future goals of the company. Being able to participate in this side of the business is definitely different from previous companies as it brings considerable value to my work and keeps me interested.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Whatever happens in the next five years and wherever I am, I would like to think that I will be in a similar working environment


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