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 Simon Lassam


What do you consider to be your main area of expertise?
PeopleSoft HRMS and all aspects technical.

What is the most interesting customisation that you have done or seen in PeopleSoft?
PeopleSoft HRMS 7.5. The creation of dynamic field level security with user definable rules to which data a user could view at the field level on specified panels. This allowed the client to specify that as user you can see data X for person A, but not see it for person B, without having to create separate panels.

What project have you most enjoyed working on and why?
I have enjoyed working on all projects. Each has presented unique challenges to be solved.

What would you most like added to the PeopleSoft product?
The product is comprehensive as a toolset. The missing elements are more management related - change and version control, and reasons for change.

What is the most frustrating thing about the PeopleSoft product?
Because of the various additional 3rd party tools incorporated into the toolset, there is a requirement to learn a couple of languages, each with subtly differing syntaxes.

What originally drew you to consulting or the computing field?
Whilst at University studying Civil Engineering, I became involved in a new technology for resolving engineering problems automatically - the departmental computer. Mainframes had existed prior to this but where perceived as business tools and not used for engineering. The introduction of "cheap" computing power changed this. From this point on I was hooked, completed my degree but changed my career direction.

What advice would you give to a new client starting with PeopleSoft?
Plan and get senior management buy in.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Planning my retirement. I set out with a career objective to retire at 50. Although this is looking unlikely, you have to be optimistic.


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