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 Andrew Payne

What would you see is your prime area of expertise?
Having been involved with custom development and package application implementation, I believe it is vital to maintain a focus on the business objectives and benefits expected from IT solutions.  Over recent years my sales success has come from understanding business drivers and needs and ensuring the appropriate delivery mechanisms are in place to ensure they are met.

What originally drew you to working in the consulting or the computing industry?
While at school I was fascinated with the early computing devices available and want to be involved with them and their capabilities.

Why did you join Congruent?
From my experience with other ERP applications (Oracle and SAP) the PeopleSoft client base always had a higher satisfaction with their product acquisitions.  Congruent’s strength is the focus they give to a single application (PeopleSoft) and the freedoms they provide their employees while striving for client satisfaction and business success.

How is working for Congruent different to working for previous employers?
Congruent provide a framework and support structure to enable employees to achieve professional and personal goals, that benefit the customers, employee and corporate requirements.  This is achieved through a client / consultant focused structure rather than an inwardly looking traditional corporate structure.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Once my children finish their education I like the idea of life on a large yacht in a warm climate.


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