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 John Robb

What would you consider to be your main area of expertise?
I’d say that carving up the ski-slopes ranks in the top two, but presumably this question isn’t referring to recreational expertise.

My main area of professional expertise is computer application design. I have a passion for attempting to design the perfect solution for a given set of business requirements and available technologies. The more complex the business requirement the more I enjoy the task.

While most of my Peoplesoft experience is in developing financial reports and interfaces it is database design and development of online functionality that I enjoy the most.

I find that my accounting knowledge is often useful. The combination of accounting and IT technical knowledge is surprisingly rare.

What project have you most enjoyed working on and why?
P&O Nedloyd’s global implementation of PeopleSoft financials probably ranks top due to the enormity of the project, the short time frame in which it was implemented, and the fact that my main role in the implementation was critical to the success of the whole project.

The Australian National University’s financials implementation was a pleasure to work on due to the cohesiveness of the team, the competence of all involved, and the outstanding project management.

Designing Ericsson’s PeopleSoft Payroll to SAP General Ledger interface was very satisfying due to the complexity of the task, especially in building in user-definable parameters to provide flexibility.

What would you most like added to the PeopleSoft product?
I’d like to see Peoplesoft continue to enhance and grow it’s product range in order to grow it’s market vertically and horizontally, but while maintaining the same quality, and consistent look and feel and architecture across the whole range of modules.

Customisable help would be welcomed by many customers.

For developers some additional tools would improve productivity, as would making some of the existing ones more friendly, such as the Application engine debugger and data models.

What is the most frustrating thing about the PeopleSoft product?
Probably that more customers and potential customers don’t fully appreciate the general excellence of the product range, and the great potential for it to improve the way that they do business, and to give them competitive advantage.

Admittedly the complexity of the product is sometimes a bit too whelming, but this is more than compensated for by the satisfaction that comes from fully understanding the complexities, and being able to explain them and make recommendations as to how best to meet business requirements. Working for Congruent means that there’s usually already significant in-house expertise relating to the issue that I can call on, which reduces frustration, saves time and money, and ultimately leads to greater customer satisfaction, in turn leading to greater job satisfaction.

What originally drew you to the consulting or the computing industry?
Designing my first complex computer program as part of a compulsory university course, while most others were failing and complaining, I was finding it easy and enjoying it. A few years later as a trainee manager in a large financial institution I decided to design a system so that they wouldn’t need to go through laborious manual tasks in order to accurately allocate dividend income to clients. I enjoyed the work so much that I’ve been focussing on systems development ever since.

I was drawn to consulting for various reasons:
Being able to provide services to a variety of organisations, in a various industries, without needing to change jobs.
Potential to enhance my expertise faster than if working permanently for a single organisation.
Opportunities to work alongside a variety of experts, from whom I can obtain valuable knowledge.
The fact that consultants generally spend more time working on high-profile and mission-critical projects than do IT department employees.

Why did you join Congruent?
Congruent are virtually unrivalled in their PeopleSoft expertise and reputation, combined with a passion for encouraging and imparting their knowledge to others. They also know a good beer when they see one.

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
I’d like to be living next to the ocean managing my investments, but with the flexibility to climb a few major mountains, and also to take some time out to tele-commute to Pleasanton to work with one of my ex-colleagues, Steve, on designing part of version 15.


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