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 Cameron Smith

What do you consider to be your main area of expertise?
I joined Congruent to bring my CRM expertise to the team. Having worked with Help Desk software since 1997, I like to think that I have worked with CRM before it became the buzz word that it is today.

I specialise in the Help and Support Desk areas of CRM, but the technical tools used are the same throughout PeopleSoft, regardless of the application. I guess the most interesting aspect of these tools is the range of integration products available, allowing connectivity not only across different PeopleSoft applications, but pretty much throughout any business. For CRM, this is vital, as the representative can only give the service I would expect as a customer if they know about everything I have done with the company in the past.

What is the most interesting customisation that you have done or seen in PeopleSoft?
When I first started learning PeopleSoft, I quickly became involved in the development of the latest version of SQRXLS and the HRMS Report Suite that Congruent have developed. Reporting was a fantastic way to get involved in the PeopleSoft product as it gave me exposure to many of the core features of the product (PeopleTools, PeopleCode, Process Scheduler, etc.). The additional functionality gained through the VBA macros just amazed me.

What would you most like added to the PeopleSoft product?
If you had asked me that when I first started using PeopleSoft, I would have said two things; Sort out the menus - Why should someone have to login and then take so many clicks just to get to the search page for information needed right at the start? Access to much of the system should be available direct from the first page seen. Self Service - What is the point of anybody filling in a paper form, then handing it to someone else for them to type it into a database? If a database form is created properly, that person should be able to enter the data themselves without the need for a middle man.

I would seriously recommend taking a look at the portals and reliance on self-service in V8.8, it's definitely a move in the right direction.

These days, I would take the self-service idea even further, and automate many of the similar business processes handled by different departments. It is currently possible to customise LDAP so that when a new employee is created within PeopleSoft, that person automatically has their network login created, their security rights assigned and all their email setup and ready to connect. All this without needing to locate your network administrator or mail administrator! Anybody interested?

What originally drew you to consulting or the computing field?
I guess I've always had an affinity with computers. I was really lucky back in primary school to have a Dad with an Apple II+, and almost immediately started copying programs out of computing magazines. My first full-time job was as part of an assembly line, building PCs, and from there, I've moved through Stock and Despatch, Sales, Network Design/Installation, Software Support and now Consultancy.

I think a better question is "What KEEPS me in the industry?". To this, I would say that it appeals to my competitive edge. There are always changes and developments taking place in all areas relating to PeopleSoft. This really keeps me on my toes. As a consultant, I am continually challenged to find a newer, better solution than previously, within ever-changing parameters.

Why did you join Congruent?
I was offered all sorts of glory! Boy, how times change (-;

Where do you want to be in 5 years time?
Sarah (my wife) and I are expecting our first baby in November. As we have decided to eventually settle down in Australia, and we would prefer not to mix education systems for our child, I am fairly certain we will be in either Sydney or Brisbane. Mind you, if someone had have told me what my life would be like five years ago, I probably would have laughed! We'll just have to see what the future holds in store.


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